Everywhere that Christopher Lane turns, he sees the face of the boy he killed. There is no escape from the guilt, not even on his return to Myers Holt—the secret London academy where he and five others are being trained to use their mental powers, their Ability.
But now that the threat of Dulcia Genever has been dealt with, his friends are too busy working for the police, entering the minds of some of the country’s most dangerous criminals, to sympathize. Chris’s teachers are already concerned enough about him, especially when Chris starts to wonder if the boy may not be a figment of his imagination after all.
Meanwhile, alone in Darkwhisper Manor, Ernest Genever is enjoying watching Chris’s torment. Yes, he will keep his promise—Christopher Lane will die—but not until he has watched Chris lose his mind waiting for Ernest to appear. For, if nothing else, Dulcia Genever did teach her son one valuable lesson:
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
“The mental escapades continue in this sequel to The Ability (2013).
After saving the prime minister in the series opener, Christopher Lane and his cohorts return to their exclusive Myers Holt Academy to continue honing their Abilities before they turn 13. Unlike his peers, Chris has trouble relishing the fun of complex telekinetic exercises, solving difficult crimes and even trying to play practical jokes on their least favorite teacher, for amid the playful fantasy and spying adventure is a darker side to the story. Chris is certain that he keeps seeing Ernest Genever, whose twin brother died in the first novel and whose mother is now serving hard time, all because of him. At once wracked with remorse and afraid for his life, Chris can’t convince either his friends or administrators of this; they all think his guilty mind is playing tricks on him. As much as Chris wants to track down Ernest to make amends, the surviving twin wants to track down his brother’s killer to seek revenge. Much like the previous novel, the varying extrasensory peeks into characters’ minds prove to be more surprising and engaging than catching thieves or even a potential murderer.
For readers who enjoy magical “science.” (Fantasy. 9-13)”